Posters P1, Monday

Global thoughts

P1.1   Breakthrough innovative solutions and technologies for greenhouse gases reduction. M. A. Al-Mahmood (Saudi Aramco, Riyadh, SA) [257]

P1.2   Life cycle assessment of synthetic natural gas alternatives: challenges for a sustainable CO2 electroreduction pathway. J. Fernández-González, *M. Rumayor, A. Domínguez-Ramos, Á. Irabien (Univ. Cantabria, Santander, ES) [313]

P1.3   Efficiency analysis of the limestone endothermic reaction with electromagnetic heating. *S. N. Gonçalves, D. M. S. Albuquerque, J. C. F. Pereira (Univ. Lisboa, PT) [470]

P1.4   Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to solid carbon by molten salt electrolysis in a coaxial-type reactor. *E. Laasonen, V. Ruuskanen, M. Niemelä, T. Koiranen, J. Ahola (Lappeenranta-Lahti Univ. Technol., FI) [442]

P1.5   Changes in phytosterols, steryl glycosides and waxes content during the storage of biodiesel produced from oil mixture. *V. Kafková, P. Ondrejíčková1, A. Brisudová2 (Združenie Energy 21, Leopoldov, SK; 1Cent. výskumu a vývoja, Leopoldov, SK; 2ENVIRAL, Leopoldov, SK) [500]

P1.6   Estimation of the ecological performance of water treatment: A meta-analysis of energy use and environmental impacts in Africa. *C. A. Ogbu, T. Ivanova, H. Roubík (Czech Univ. Life Sci., Praha, CZ) [224]

P1.7   Improving photo-Fenton process through hydrogen peroxide dosage based on dissolved oxygen monitoring. *X. Yu, M. Pérez-Moya, M. Graells, S. Miralles-Cuevas1, A. Cabrera-Reina2 (Univ. Politéc. Catalunya, ES; 1Univ. Tarapacá, Arica, CL; 2Univ. Almería, ES) [301]

P1.8   Effect of TK3K electromagnetic equipment in calcium carbonate formation crystals: presence of calcite and aragonite. *M. D. Saquete, N. Boluda-Botella, S. Martínez-Moya, J. García-Quiles1 (Univ. Alicante, ES; 1Ecotécnica Energy Systems, Elche, ES) [389]

P1.9   Water accounting assessment of coal-fired power plant in South Africa. M. Mphela, *S. S. Makgato (Univ. South Africa, Johannesburg, ZA) [392]

P1.10   Adsorption of ibuprofen on activated carbon: experimental data validation using adsorption dynamic intraparticle model (ADIM). *M. E. Fortunato, M. Hmoudah, R. Paparo, M. Trifuoggi, R. Tesser, V. Russo, M. Di Serio (Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT) [425]

P1.11   Study of the water electromagnetic treatment with the TK3K equipment: calcium carbonate forced precipitation experiments by adding Ca(NO3)2 and Na2CO3 in waters of different qualities. N. Boluda-Botella, *M. D. Saquete, S. Martínez-Moya, M. Rodríguez-Llopis, G. C. Pérez-García, J. García-Quiles1 (Univ. Alicante, ES; 1Ecotécnica Energy Systems, Elche, ES) [428]

P1.12   Adsorption kinetics of Iopamidol onto activated carbon. *R. Paparo, F. Uggeri1, M. Trifuoggi, V. Russo, G. Carotenuto2, L. Nicolais (Univ. Naples, Napoli, IT; 1Bracco SpA, Milano, IT; 2IPCB-CNR, Napoli, IT) [429]

P1.13   Cooperation of cities and local companies for climate change adaptation. *Á. Korbács, K. Bartha-Lengyel, É. Grunda, A. Jakab-Nácsa, P. Bagi, L. Farkas (BorsodChem Zrt., Kazincbarcika, HU) [463]

P1.14   Process water recycling from PVC production to reduce the need of fresh water in production. *K. Bartha-Lengyel, P. Bagi, J. Kupai, Á. Korbács, L. Farkas (BorsodChem Zrt., Kazincbarcika, HU) [475]

P1.15   Strategy for the mitigation of patulin contamination in fresh apples: Penicilium expansum resistant apple cultivars. A.-M. Gotal Skoko, T. Kovač, B. Šarkanj1, I. Tomac, J. Babić, A. Jozinović, B. Miličević, D. Šubarić, *A. Lončarić (J. Strossmayer Univ., Osijek, HR; 1Univ. Cent. Koprivnica, HR) [479]

P1.16   Electrochemical recovery of Sb from a waste effluent generated in the copper production industry. L. Hernández-Pérez, *M. T. Montañés, M. C. Martí-Calatayud, V. Pérez-Herranz (Univ. Politec. Valencia, ES) [106]

P1.17   Preliminary study about the recovery of Bi from effluent wastes generated in the copper production. L. Hernández-Pérez, *M. T. Montañés, M. C. Martí-Calatayud, V. Pérez-Herranz (Univ. Politec. Valencia, ES) [111]

P1.18   Sustainability assessment of small-scale biorefineries as potential entrepreneurship solutions in rural zones: The plantain case in Colombia. J. C. Solarte-Toro, *C. A. Cardona Alzate (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO) [370]

P1.19   Effect of auxiliary air on the size distribution and lung deposition of medical aerosols generated in a vibrating mesh nebulizer. *T. R. Sosnowski, A. Moskal (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Warszawa, PL) [385]

P1.20   Impact of coupling shear and thermal stresses during spray drying on protein stability. *C. Barcelo, V. Filipe1, M. Nakach1, M.-I. Re (Univ. Toulouse, FR; 1Sanofi Aventis, Vitry-sur-Seine, FR) [444]

P1.21   Reduced platelet adhesion after coating TiO2 nanotubes with sulfated chitosan. S. Gomes, R. Arcanjo, K. Leal, P. Rosifini, *R. S. Vieira (Univ. Fed. Ceará, BR) [485]

P1.22   Aerosol emission outside facemasks and respirators (F&Rs) at various exhalation flow patterns. *T. R. Sosnowski, J. Szczepańska, E. Szajna1 (Warsaw Univ. Technol., Warszawa, PL; 1KMB Catalyst, Wyry, PL) [383]

P1.23   The local oxygen demand system as a response to COVID-19 pandemic. *E. Brodawka, J. Szczurowski, A. Lubecki, M. R. Bałys, K. Zarębska (AGH Univ. Sci. Technol., Krakow, PL) [480]

P1.24   Crystallization of isoniazid in the protic ionic liquids and its physicochemical proprieties and biological evaluation. C. L. B. Reis, T. A. Campelo, C. C. Frota, A. P. Ayala, R. S. Santiago-Aguiar, *M. V. P. Rocha (Univ. Fed. Ceará, BR) [221]


P1.25   Machine learning for sustainable production in EAF. *V. D. Manojlović, M. D. Sokić1, A. M. Spasic1, B. R. Marković1, M. D. Dotlić2 (Fac. Technol. Metall., Beograd, RS; 1Inst. Technol. Nucl. Min. Raw Mat., Beograd, RS; 2Jar. Cerni Inst., Beograd, RS) [459]

P1.26   A hybridized mini off-grid project for remote area electrification – Two BMC lessons learned in Thailand. K. Cheenkachorn, P. Narataraksa, C. Prapainainar, *P. Hunpinyo (King Mongkut´s Univ. Technol., North Bangkok, TH) [95]

P1.27   Production of "blue" hydrogen from methane on catalysts prepared by the SHS method. *S. A. Tungatarova, T. S. Baizhumanova, M. Zhumabek1, G. N. Kaumenova1, A. Manabayeva1 (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ; 1Sokolsky Inst. Fuel Catal. Electrochem., Almaty, KZ) [118]

P1.28   Catalytic performance of hexaaluminates synthesized from aluminum saline slag wastes in the production of syngas from biogas. *J. J. Torrez Herrera, S. A. Korilli, A. Gil (Univ. Púb. Navarra, Pamplona, ES) [137]

P1.29   Catalytic reforming of biogas to produce environmentally friendly high-effective fuels. *T. S. Baizhumanova1, X. Zhang, G. N. Kaumenova, A. Manabayeva2, S. A. Tungatarova1, Z. T. Zheksenbaeva (Sokolsky Inst. Fuel Catal. Electrochem., Almaty, KZ; 1Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ; 2Kazakh-British Tech. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [138]

P1.30   Synthesis of catalytic systems for the production of valuable petrochemical products. *G. N. Kaumenova, K. Kassymkan, M. Zhumabek, R. O. Sarsenova, M. K. Erkibaeva2, S. A. Tungatarova1, T. S. Baizhumanova1 (Sokolsky Inst. Fuel Catal. Electrochem., Almaty, KZ; 1Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ; 2Pavlodar State Pedag. Univ., KZ) [153]

P1.31   Biogas upgrading at small scale: Performances assessment of High-Pressure Water Scrubbing with water regeneration under rough vacuum. *E. Wantz, M. Lemonnier, D. Benizri1, N. Dietrich, G. Hébrard (Univ. Toulouse, FR; 1Epurtek, SAS, Ramonville-Saint-Agne, FR) [321]

P1.32   NiMoO4 nanoflowers grown on nickel foam as effective electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction. *A. Khan, M. A. Ehsan (King Fahd Univ. Pet. Min., Dhahran, SA) [373]

P1.33   Reduced overpotential of methane-producing biocathodes: Effect of current and electrode storage capacity. *M. Brandão Lavender1, S. Pang, D. Liu1, L. Jourdin, A. ter Heijne (Wageningen Univ., NL; 1Paqell B.V., Utrecht, NL) [404]

P1.34   Transient online analysis of diesel-range Fischer-Tropsch products using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HR-MS). *J. Wentrup, G. Pesch, J. Thoeming (Univ. Bremen, DE) [413]

P1.35   Structural and electrochemical studies of reed from the Danube in order to obtain green energy. *I. Balcu, A. C. Macarie, I. Taranu, V. Gherman1, P. Sfirloaga (Nat. Inst. Electrochem. Cond. Matter, Timisoara, RO; 1Univ. Politehnica, Timisoara, RO) [443]

P1.36   Storage of hydrogen in carbon materials. K. Zarębska, J. Szczurowski, A. Lubecki, *E. Brodawka, P. Baran (AGH Univ. Sci. Technol., Krakow, PL) [478]

P1.37   Catalytic decomposition of methane to hydrogen and-nano-carbon. *G. Y. Yergaziyeva, N. Makaeva1, J. Shaimerden1, M. Anissova, M. Mambetova (Inst. Combust. Probl., Almaty, KZ; 1Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ) [374]

P1.38   Mixed Matrix Membranes blended with novel 2D material for Improved CO2 separation. *M. Y. Khan, A. Khan (King Fahd Univ. Pet. Min., Dhahran, SA) [366]

P1.39   Difficulties in the transition to green energy and the introduction of new environmentally clean coal technologies. A. Askarova, P. Safarik2, S. Bolegenova, V. Maximov1, A. Nugymanova, Z. Shortanbayeva, S. Bolegenova, *N. Ungarova (Al-Farabi Kaz. Nat. Univ., Almaty, KZ; 1Sci. Res. Inst. Exp. Theor. Phys., Almaty, KZ; 2Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [409]

P1.40   Pulsed microwave plasma reactor for H2O2 production from H2O and O2. *M. Hernandez, S. Soldatov, G. Link, A. Navarrete, R. Dittmeyer (Karlsruhe Inst. Technol., DE) [455]

P1.41   Air cooling by the pilot plant silicon carbide shell and tube heat exchanger. *P. Horvát, J. Kalivoda, J. Vlasák, O. Krištof, T. Svěrák (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [483]

P1.42   Data pre-processing for equilibrium dispersive model parameters determination modeling preparative chromatography separation of mannitol, glucose, fructose, and sucrose from the mixture. *T. Svoboda, A. Svoboda1, S. Henke, S. Gillarová, D. Růžička, M. Sluková (Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ; 1Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [510]

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