Lectures F
F1 – Monday morning
Green issues
Chairpersons: A. Keller, M. Pavlas
F1.1 11:40 Keynote lecture: Municipal waste forecasting and composition analysis – Progress in the Czech Republic. *M. Pavlas, J. Gregor, R. Šomplák, J. Kropáč, J. Roupec, G. Bulková, P. Stehlík (Brno Univ. Technol., CZ) [233]
F1.2 12:20 Recycling of lithium-ion batteries: From the equilibrium study to the continuous operation. *A. Keller, H.-J. Bart1, M. W. Hlawitschka (J. Kepler Univ., Linz, AT; 1Tech. Univ., Kaiserslautern, DE) [37]
F1.3 12:40 Bio-recycling of plastic and aluminium from multilayer packaging waste using biogenic sulfuric acid. *K. Kremser, P. Gerl, A. Pellis1, G. M. Guebitz (Univ. Nat. Resources Life Sci., Tulln an der Donau, AT; 1Univ. Genova, IT) [85]
F2 – Monday afternoon
Green issues
Chairpersons: N. Bijok, C. Fittkau
F2.1 14:00 Integrating the environmental and economic performance of bio-based products: An assessment of chitosan production. *S. Meramo, P. Fantke, A. D. Gonzalez-Delgado1, S. Sukumara (Tech. Univ. Denmark, Lyngby, DK; 1Univ. Cartagena, CO) [30]
F2.2 14:20 Economic and energetic analysis of an agro-industrial waste to hydrogen valorization plant. *A. Trinca, G. Vilardi (Univ. Sapienza, Roma, IT) [51]
F2.3 14:40 Simultaneous treatment of fuel synthesis wastewater and resource recovery using PNSB based biofilm technology. *S. Shaikh, N. Rashid, H. R. Mackey (Hamad Bin Khalifa Univ., Doha, QA) [56]
F2.4 15:00 Fuel-grade hydrocarbons production from spent coffee grounds oil using catalyst calcium oxide synthesised from chicken eggshells. *B. Mkhonto, M. Chetty (Durban Univ. Technol., ZA) [62]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
F2.5 16:20 Multiscale modelling of biomass fractionation processes by considering the heterogeneous nature of the feedstock. *N. Bijok, V. Alopaeus (Aalto Univ., FI) [67]
F2.6 16:40 Focusing bio-pellets agricultural waste relevant for pilot-scale applications: transportable gasification for syngas/IC engine CHP applications in challenging LCOE. K. Cheenkachorn, P. Narataraksa, C. Prapainainar, *P. Hunpinyo (King Mongkut´s Univ. Technol., North Bangkok, TH) [72]
F2.7 17:00 Step-wise enzymatic approach for recovery of building block from textile waste blends. *F. Quartinello, G. M. Guebitz (Univ. Nat. Resources Appl. Life Sci., Wien, AT) [90]
F2.8 17:20 Towards a new seed train model for biotechnological production processes. *C. Fittkau, D. Ochs, C. Appl, A. Moser, F. Baganz1, V. C. Hass (Furtwangen Univ., Villingen-Schweningen, DE; 1Univ. Coll. London, UK) [158]
F3 – Tuesday morning
Green issues
Chairpersons: L. L. Cueva Zepeda, V. C. Hass
F3.1 10:00 Effect of biochar on anaerobic co-digestion of sugar milling wastewater with sewage sludge for biogas production. *M. Chetty, N. Moodley, E. K. Armah1 (Durban Univ. Technol., ZA; 1C.K.Tedam Univ. Technol. Appl. Sci., Navrongo, GH) [164]
F3.2 10:20 A hybrid model for estimation of target protein production in batch culture of recombinant E. coli. M. Matukaitis, A. Survyla, *D. Masaitis, L. Zlatkus, V. Vaitkus (Kaunas Univ. Technol., LT) [185]
F3.3 10:40 Extraction of caffeine from spent coffee grounds using ionic liquid. *N. Singh, M. Chetty, N. Deenadayalu (Durban Univ. Technol., ZA) [189]
11:00 Coffee break, poster session
F3.4 11:40 Development tool for rapid, user-defined design of Digital Twins for different biotechnological processes. A. Moser, C. Appl, R. Pörtner1, *V. C. Hass (Furtwangen Univ., Villingen-Schweningen, DE; 1Hamburg Univ. Technol., DE) [211]
F3.5 12:00 Reactivity of oxygenated functional groups during catalytic cracking of raw bio-oil for producing hydrocarbons. *I. Crespo, B. Valle, J. Bilbao, A. G. Gayubo (Univ. Pais Vasco, Bilbao, ES) [267]
F4 – Tuesday afternoon
Green issues
Chairpersons: M. Cerhová, L. Wetterwald
F4.1 14:00 A biological alternative for the final disposal of seized cocaine: the case of biodegradation using a continuous stirred tank bioreactor. *J. C. Higuita, C. A. Diaz1 (Univ. Nac. Colombia, Manizales, CO; 1Univ. Cent, Valle del Cauca, CO) [6]
F4.2 14:20 Chemical recycling of waste polypropylene via thermo-catalytic pyrolysis over HZSM-5 catalysts. *A. Inayat, A. Inayat1, W. Schwieger1, P. Lestinsky (Tech. Univ., Ostrava, CZ; 1Friedrich-Alexander Univ., Erlangen-Nürnberg, DE) [141]
F4.3 14:40 Passive treatment of acid mine drainage using limestone and laterite mine waste. L. Bautista-Patacsil1, C. O. A. Turingan, C. Lorio, K. Acap, K. E. O. Binoya, R. A. F. Pamintuan, S. M. J. Salih, *A. H. Orbecido (De La Salle Univ., Manila, PH; 1Univ. Philippines Los Baños, PH) [320]
F4.4 15:00 Sequential treatment of acid mine drainage using waste materials. *C. O. A. Turingan, L. Bautista-Patacsil1, R. Alorro, C. Tabelin, A. H. Orbecido (De La Salle Univ., Manila, PH; 1Univ. Philippines Los Baños, PH) [322]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
F4.5 16:20 Separation of lipids from wet microalgae: implementation of a coupled supercritical carbon dioxide extraction/fractionation device. *L. Wetterwald, A. Leybros, A. Hertz, J.-F. Sassi1, F. Delrue1, G. Fleury1, P. Chambonniere1, C. Sahut1, D. SorigueE1, B. Legeret1 (Univ. Montpellier, FR; 1CEA, DRT, Cadarache, FR) [194]
F4.6 16:40 Micronization of extracts from Leuzea Carthamoides using supercritical antisolvent. *M. Cerhová, M. Topiař, V. Jandová, M. Sajfrtová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [203]
F4.7 17:00 An integrated approach for resource recovery from juice industry wastewater and biomass production using purple non-sulfur bacteria. *N. Rashid, S. Shaikh, H. R. Mackey (Hamad Bin Khalifa Univ., Doha, QA) [508]
F4.8 17:20 Molecular and process modeling to identify optimal reaction enthalpies of aprotic N‑heterocyclic anion-based ionic liquids for CO2 capture. *D. Hospital-Benito, J. Lemus, C. Moya, R. Santiago, C. Paramio, J. Palomar (Univ. Auton., Madrid, ES) [166]
F5 – Wednesday morning
Green issues
Chairpersons: P. Izák, K.-L. Tung
F5.1 11:40 Keynote lecture: Realizing ultrathin silica membranes with straight-through channels for high-performance nanofiltrations. *K.-L. Tung, G.-S. Lin, J. Yang1, C.-Y. Mou1 (Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taipei, TW; 1Jinan Univ., Guangzhou, CN) [360]
F5.2 12:20 Chiral composite membrane for enantiomer separation. J. Čížek, F. Yalcinkaya1, P. Cuřínová, M. Kohout2, *P. Izák (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ; 1Tech. Univ., Liberec, CZ; 2Univ. Chem. Technol. Prague, Praha, CZ) [34]
F6 – Wednesday afternoon
Green issues
Chairpersons: M. T. Guzman Gutierrez, K. Wang
F6.1 14:00 Exploring CO2 capture from lean flue gas sources using a hybrid absorption - membrane process. *M. T. Guzman Gutierrez, E. M. Sandru, M. Sandru, T. Pettersen (SINTEF, Trondheim, NO) [331]
F6.2 14:20 Modelling of recovery of syngas components during membrane separation. *P. Seghman, L. Krátký, T. Jirout (Czech Tech. Univ., Praha, CZ) [356]
F6.3 14:40 Separation of BSA via crosslinked chitosan hydrogels. *K. Wang, B. Li (Khalifa Univ. Sci. Technol., Abu Dhabi, AE) [395]
F6.4 15:00 Synthesis of forward osmosis membrane from Ananas comosus cellulose-silica composites for desalination application. *L. Bautista-Patacsil, C. Cabato1, E. Pinga1, H. L. Ong2, A. H. Orbecido3 (Univ. Philippines Los Baños, PH; 1Malayan Coll. Laguna, PH; 2Univ. Malaysia Perlis, Arau, MY; 3De La Salle Univ., Manila, PH) [402]
15:20 Coffee break, poster session
F6.5 16:20 Fractionation of hydrolysed plant oils using supercritical carbon dioxide. *M. Topiař, M. Sajfrtová, H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [88]
F6.6 16:40 The kinetic study of pressurized liquid extraction from plant material. *Z. Zachová, M. Sajfrtová, P. Cuřínová, H. Sovová (Inst. Chem. Proc. Fundam., Praha, CZ) [162]
F6.7 17:00 Removal of hexavalent chromium by use of Fe0-sand mixtures. *M. Gheju, I. Balcu1 (Univ. Politehnica, Timisoara, RO; 1Nat. Inst. Electrochem. Cond. Matter, Timisoara, RO) [48]
F6.8 17:20 In situ bioreduction of hexavalent chromium contaminated water using a microbial culture barrier. *B. Kholisa, M. T. Matsena, E. M. N. Chirwa (Univ. Pretoria, ZA) [83]
F7 – Thursday morning
Green issues
Chairpersons: R. J. Barla, S. P. Strand
F7.1 9:00 Bio-mitigation of flue CO2 by chemolithotrophs in a continuous bubble column reactor: Product evaluation studies and kinetic modeling. *R. J. Barla, S. Raghuvanshi (Birla Inst. Technol. Sci., Pilani, IN) [161]
F7.2 9:20 Simultaneous removal of CO2 and NOx with a mixed consortium of bacterial culture and FTIR study. *A. Anand, S. Raghuvanshi, S. Gupta (Birla Inst. Technol. Sci., Pilani, IN) [172]
F7.3 9:40 Evaluation of partitioning and accumulation of heavy metals in subtropical coastal wetlands crossing mangroves’ habitats. *S. Partani, A. Noruzi Kohneh Qochan (Univ. Bojnord, IR) [176]
F7.4 10:00 Removal of nano- and microplastics from cooling water in energy sector by use of biodegradable flocculants. *S. P. Strand, M. Sandru, E. M. Sandru, M. T. Guzman Gutierrez, W. R. Glomm, H. Johnsen (SINTEF, Trondheim, NO) [339]
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